Sing Lasagne!

This week Bishop Michael was in Burnham-on-Sea, where he joined a local gathering at St Andrew's Church. The 'Open to All Service', is a regular dementia friendly event that welcomes people from different parts of the local community to come together for shared worship, friendship and support.  Bishop Michael shared a little of his time with those who attended the event.

I had the exuberant joy and privilege of attending St Andrew’s, Burhham-on-Sea’s ‘3rd Thursday Open to All Service’. It’s a demential friendly event attended by different members of the Burnhan community. Among those taking part were members of the Burnham ‘Blossom in Somerst’ hub for adults with learning abilities who offered prayers and brought a sprit of utter joie de vivre to all that happened. This incuded a lusty and pasta redefined rendition of the final hymn ‘Give me oil in my lamp keep me burning’!

The service was followed by splendid hospitality offered by St Andrew’s under the leadership of Burnham’s Associate Priest, Sharon Eldergill, who with her team coordinates and enables the whole event. My heart sang (and not just with the words ‘Sing Lasagne’) after taking part in all that happened. So if you’d like to be lifted above and beyond yourself in worship and fellowship, book now for next month’s 3rd Thursday  – 17th April at St Andrew’s, Burnyham on Sea at 2.30pm.

All welcome!


21st March 2025
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