St. Peter and St. Paul’s Church made their debut at the South Petherton Carnival

St. Peter and St. Paul’s Church made their debut at the South Petherton Carnival with their float, Noah's Ark. The entry came to life, thanks to the joint efforts of the church and the local community.

St. Peter and St. Paul’s vision for a 'Church without Walls' has made the church a hub of community activity. To further their mission, they decided to bring the community together to participate in the South Petherton Carnival and using the skills and enthusiasm of their local community set about building their entry.

Revd Tracey Hallet said, "St. Peter and St. Paul’s Church is very much about being 'Church without Walls.' We are so fortunate to have a very good relationship with South Petherton Infant School. Recently we launched ‘Team around the Parish’ which enables the School, Church, Local youth provision and families to connect with each other.”

Noah's Ark was chosen as it supported the church’s vision to share the Gospel message and the Christian faith. To bring this vision to life, the church collaborated with Kuehne + Nagel, a local logistics company who made the ark to scale from a wooden frame and cardboard body.  

After the Ark was built, the local school was invited to join St Peter and St Paul’s Church to get it ready for the carnival. Pupils from all year groups enjoyed decorating the float and together the school and the church put the finished float in the carnival as a joint entry.

Tracey said, “St. Peter and St. Paul’s Church's Noah's Ark float served as a beacon of unity and faith at the South Petherton Carnival, a testament to the extraordinary things that can happen when a community unites.”

25th October 2023
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