For ten years a group of people in Portishead have come together to transform St Peter’s Church into a theatrical learning experience called the ‘Star Trail’. During the past decade pupils from all the primary schools in Portishead have attended this event and learnt about the Christmas story by following in the footsteps of the Wise Men.
Olwyn Kiero Watson picks up the story: “We started with two schools the first year and grew to all the schools which means we have told the Christmas story to a generation of children in Portishead!
“Obviously last year it was impossible. We were in lockdown… but determined that we couldn’t just do nothing. We had met during the summer, outside in a garden, decided Star Trail in its usual form couldn’t happen and brainstormed what might be possible. Some college friends of mine design escape rooms and released an interactive downloadable escape room experience. We played it for my daughter’s birthday and my brain played with all the information. The escape room experience, the brainstorming session, ten years of Star Trail and from that Star Trail Voyager was born.”
Star Trail Voyager is an interactive, multi-sensory learning experience for pupils in years 4 or 5. Based on the three gifts brought by the Wise Men, children solve a series of puzzles involving Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. They also watch a series of short videos which tell the Christmas story. Ideally a Star Box goes into a school classroom with a trained facilitator to help guide the pupils but not to supply all the answers!
The team are training facilitators on Saturday 27th November at 9.30am, St Nicholas Church, Portishead. If you are interested in attending the training or finding out about Star Trail Voyager please email Olwyn Kiero Watson