The Rural Forum 2024

Welcoming everyone to this year’s Rural Forum, Bishop Michael said, “It is one of the best days of the diocesan year. A wonderful opportunity to talk, think, discuss and pray together.” 

Focused on discipleship in the rural church, the forum gathered people from all corners of the diocese to share ideas and support each other. It also provided the opportunity to discuss the emerging Bath and Wells Rural Strategy for growing churches and transforming communities in rural areas

Archdeacon Simon outlined the overall goal as being one of rural churches:

  • embedded in their local communities
  • enabling people to encounter, engage with and grow in faith
  • strengthening their heartbeat
  • playing their part in transforming communities

To enable this and to have flourishing rural churches we would look to have churches growing in numbers, disciples and diversity, including younger; leadership and ministry shared; and fit for purpose buildings supported and sustained by the wider community 

Simon said, “We want to think about what does growing mean, in diversity, in numbers, in depth in rural contexts.” And encouraged those gathered to consider how they can best be supported, how new ministries might grow and flourish and how we can inspire and equip people to serve in their local contexts. He also urged people to share their stories so that others might be uplifted and inspired.  
Work on a Rural Strategy will continue over the next months and in due course will be shared more fully on the diocesan website.

The day gave the opportunity to hear about what is happening in other dioceses. Revd Jo Neary, who is team vicar and pioneer priest in Salisbury diocese and Tutor in Rural Ministry and Mission at Sarum College, was the keynote speaker at the forum. Sharing her own experiences and research Jo spoke about, ‘Beyond the mission statistics – what does growth look like in a rural benefice?’. She encouraged those gathered to, “Talk about the good news. Tell that story all the time. Share the stories that empower and excite you, that illustrate the work that God is doing where you are.” 

Revd Simon Butler, from the Diocese of Winchester, spoke to the forum about the concept of a “Benefice of the future.” He encouraged attendees to embrace new things and not to be afraid of failure. He said he and his team worked on the principle that they would rather take on something and risk failure rather than not try it at all.

He also spoke of encouraging a benefice-wide culture focusing on “the perspectives of the Kingdom rather than the preoccupations of the parish.” He said one way of doing that is to concentrate on a shared sense of calling, asking ourselves, “how we each play our part in what God is doing in this place and at this time.”

That shared calling, he explained, “leads to a transformative culture, one of mutuality, of blessing and being blessed.”  He also emphasised the importance of financial support within a benefice, noting that if you can support another parish today, they in turn may be in a position to support you in the future.

Speaking after the event, Rob Walrond, Deanery and Parish Development and Rural Adviser for Bath and Wells said, “I thoroughly enjoyed the day; it was a wonderful opportunity to gather, exchange ideas, and uplift each other. The speakers were incredibly inspiring, reminding us that we must first strengthen our own faith before we can help our churches to thrive and highlighted the significance of dedication and growth through prayer.”


Jo Neary and Simon Butler - the theme for the day being 'Discipleship in the rural church'. The slide sets from the day are linked below.

2024 Rural Forum complete slides

2024 Rural Forum - Jo Neary slides

2024 Rural Forum - Simon Butler slides

2024 Rural Forum - worship


24th October 2024
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