Two new priests are ordained in Trull

Surrounded by family, friends and the church community who have supported them, Imogen and Jon Ball were ordained into the priesthood, at All Saints Church, Trull, where they are both serving their curacy. Bishop Michael led the service during which he knelt down and took time to explain what was taking place to the children present, including Barney, Jon and Imogen’s young son.

After the service Imogen said, “The service was absolutely lovely. Bishop Michael did an amazing job. It felt like a recognition of the journey that we’ve had together, but also the church’s support of us. I felt incredibly held by the community and it felt particularly poignant because we were gathered with people who have supported us so well.”

Jon and Imogen were ordained Deacon at Wells Cathedral last year and some of the curates from their cohort came to their ordination. They were also part of the laying on of hands as they had been priested in the summer.  

It was an extra special occasion as the couple delayed their ordination when their baby son Joseph died. Imogen says she and Jon have been overwhelmed by the love and support shown. “In March our second son Joseph was born and went straight to be with Jesus. We have had some time off and therefore a bit more space to reflect and to process what priesthood means for us. 

I do think that all the things we experience in life shape us, but the loss of a child is particularly formative. Joseph has changed our lives, but I believe that we minister out of our brokenness and I hope and pray that God will use that to enable our ministries in the future. asAs we are broken and acknowledge our own brokenness we also reflect the brokenness of Christ’s body for us. I think that it is part of our call as priests to share, retell and remember the story of Christ’s brokenness for us so that we might be made whole in Him.”

The couple will serve their curacies together in Trull and will job share the role. Imogen says it was something they always knew they wanted to do together. Imogen said, “One of our top priorities was to be in the same context and we knew that we might have to sacrifice other things in order to do that, but we felt it was a very important part of our calling together and to each other, but also to our ordained ministries. With a young family we also felt it was the easiest way to make that work for us. It has been a real joy.”


13th December 2022
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