We welcome the new Dean of Wells

Photo Jason Bryant

The Very Revd Toby Wright, has been installed as the Dean of Wells. Wells Cathedral was filled with people from across the city, the diocese and beyond. The local community family, friends, faith leaders and civic dignitaries joined the Choral Evensong and the Institution and Installation.

It featured music by the Cathedral Choir, alongside readings and prayers from members of the local community. The Great West Doors of the Cathedral were opened as Toby was welcomed by the Acting Dean of Wells, The Venerable Anne Gell on behalf of the communities of the Cathedral, the Diocese of Bath and Wells and the County of Somerset. 

In his sermon the new Dean thanked “…all who volunteer, or work here, for all that you do to keep this amazing place in its vibrancy.”  He spoke of “these walls around us have been forged by geologic action over millions of years, these walls contain the ‘energy of the earth’, and the divine energy which shaped and formed that, continues to shape and form us, as we follow the truth of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

“Here in these walls we share a space where people can speak relevantly of the good news of the Kingdom of God, sharing values of Welcome, Care, and Respect.  A place enabling others to catch a glimpse of God’s love for them personally, and for all creation, as God guides us towards the Cypress and Myrtle.”

You can read Dean Toby's sermon in full from the bottom of this page.

Speaking after Toby’s Instillation Bishop Michael said, “It was wonderful to welcome Toby to be the new Dean of Wells. Toby comes at a time when we're seeing new life here in our cathedral, and new possibilities, with all kinds of things happening. I'm so delighted Toby is with us. We have a wonderful team at Wells Cathedral that Toby will be leading into the future, made-up of staff, volunteers, Chapter members, musicians and vergers. It's going to be an exciting time and I'm looking forward to sharing it.”


New Dean of Wells - Installation Sermon

26th June 2024
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