World Mental Health Day

6th October 2022

World Mental Health Day takes place on10 October. This year's theme is 'Make mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority'.The day is also a chance to talk about mental health in general, how we need to look after it, and how important it is to talk about things and get help if you are struggling.

Sally Walters, Adviser in Counselling and Wellbeing shares these thoughts about caring for your own mental health and that of the people around you everyday.

"Have you encountered someone who struggles with overwhelming stress, depression or anxiety?  Perhaps you know that person at work, in the shops, or gym.  Perhaps in your church, family, or friendship group.  Perhaps this person is yourself? 

Mental health symptoms can erode healthy identity, affect education, families, social relationships and cause personal suffering.  There is clinical concern and vigilance of suicide rates.  Symptoms have always been in existence in every culture and present throughout history.  We all move between different places on a continuum line in experiences of mental health, and this is to be recognised and validated in our awareness of human fragility.
The goal though is for good mental health and knowing that feeling emotionally consistent is not to be always happy or living in complete harmony. Life is not always a ‘walk in the park’ and anxieties and griefs are experience.  However, being mentally stable means, we are able to resource ourselves in difficulty, knowing what we need to feel happiness, satisfaction, and enjoy good relationships.  However, the fundamental criterion is to remove judgement and stigma so we can talk freely, treat kindly, and feel supported by the exchange of one another’s genuine love.    

‘I will strengthen you’. Isaiah Ch 41."

More information about support offered in Bath and Wells or email Sally Walters

Do share feelings with someone you trust, family, friends or phone or phone Samaritans 116 123 and Mind helplines 03001233393 

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