Safeguarding newsletter: Christmas 2022

Safeguarding image paperchain people

Ben Goodhind, Safeguarding Manager for the Diocese of Bath and Wells has shared his Christmas newsletter for Parish Safeguarding Officers and all those who want to keep up to date with the latest news from the safeguarding team.

Ben says, “Christmas is often a mixed blessing. For those of us with young families or a deep faith it is joyous and a time for peace, love, and reflection. For many people it can also be a very traumatic time of year where we grieve for those we have loved and lost, feel lonely or struggle financially.  Please do look out for each other this Christmas and do all you can to think of those who are finding life a struggle during a turbulent economic time. Let’s all make this Christmas to remember and value all that makes us the community we are.”

The newsletter contains details of a new contact number for Ben as well as details of how you can get support for urgent safeguarding matters over the Christmas period, including a useful sheet of contact numbers of support organisations.

It also shares news of a Safeguarding Hub pilot scheme the diocese will be taking part in from February/March 2023. The add on to the Safeguarding Dashboards will generate job descriptions, record DBS status and training of volunteers and automatically send out reminders. It is only available to those parishes who have signed up to the dashboards. Find out more about the Safeguarding Dashboards and Safeguarding Hubs or email:

Ben adds, "This will offer us all significant benefits and I urge you to make use of this new functionality. If it is well used we will be able to roll it out permanently at the end of the 12 month trial."

Download Ben’s newsletter below to catch up with all the safeguarding news.


Safeguarding Christmas newsletter
Emergency contact numbers

Past Safeguarding newsletters

November 2022

October 2022

For other past issues of the Safeguarding newsletter please email

14th December 2022
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