Diocesan Reader Council
The Reader Council looks after Diocesan Reader gatherings.
Ruth Cook is Secretary and Chris Stock processes the Reader Returns.
The Reader Retreat is organised by a member of the Reader Council. This usually takes place every two years at Ammerdown. There is also an annual social event for Readers. In 2019 it was held at Bath Racecourse.
The Warden of Readers
Simon Hill has overall responsibility for Reader Ministry in the Diocese. Alison Cruickshank is his PA and responsible for renewal of licences.
The Archdeaconry Wardens
Mary Dolman (Bath), Revd Robin Lodge (Taunton) and Chris Stock (Wells) have pastoral responsibility for Readers in their archdeaconry.
Deanery Wardens
Each deanery has a Deanery Warden who is a Reader who provides a listening ear and organises local gatherings.
Find a list of Deanery Wardens here.
Training Team
Matthew Frankum has responsibility for Reader training and is spokesperson for Reader ministry in the Diocesan Office.
Sophie Moore is Resources and Programme Support.