Are you aware that some marriage break-ups are so acrimonious that the children never get to see their non-resident parent?
Do you wish you could help them? I can help you achieve that wish.
The Mothers’ Union in the Diocese of Bath and Wells run two Child Contact Centres with the support of The National Association of Child Contact Centre. NACCC is the accrediting membership body for around 350 child contact centres and services located throughout England (including the Channel Isles), Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Child contact centres are places where these children can enjoy contact with their non-resident parents in a comfortable and safe environment.
We are always looking for volunteers who can help keep these centres active. In particular, we are looking for someone who could Chair our Management Committee. This small body of people meet 3 times a year to ensure that we are working with Best Practice and within all the Safeguarding policies.
Interested? Please telephone or email Madeline Hellier, Acting Chair.