Academisation and Organisational Structure

This section provides guidance on the process of academisation, supporting schools considering conversion to academy status.

The academy landscape has evolved significantly since 2010. Today, many schools operate within Multi Academy Trusts (MATs), where they can collaborate and support each other. In our diocese, nearly 70% of schools are now academies, most of which belong to a trust. For more detailed guidance, see our Diocesan Academisation Strategy 

Guidance and Support

Since academisation is complex, we encourage Church schools considering this route to consult with us early. Our diocesan solicitors, Taylor Culshaw, specialize in Church school conversions, ensuring schools retain their Church status within suitable MATs. Church schools must join MATs with legal articles that preserve their Church designation.

Approval Process

All schools wishing to academise need Conditional Consent from the diocese. The Board of Education reviews each application, considering the suitability of the MAT for the school’s location and educational needs. Other factors influencing the conversion timeline include the MAT’s growth plan, existing school performance, and the capacity of regional and local authorities to process legal requirements. Good communication with stakeholders, including the local church community and parents, is essential during this process.

Academies Toolkit

To help schools understand the academisation process, we’ve developed an Academies Toolkit. This resource is valuable for both schools converting to academy status and MATs interested in adding Church schools.

Collaboration and Clusters

Schools may consider working together in clusters or Community Learning Partnerships (CLPs) to explore academisation options collectively, benefiting from shared resources and community support.

Additional Changes

Schools may also consider other organisational changes, like converting from Voluntary Controlled (VC) to Voluntary Aided (VA) status, or expanding services such as adding a pre-school. If you’re considering any organisational change, please contact the diocese for advice, as it is likely we will need to grant permission or provide statutory consultation.

Who to contact

Tina Wilkes, School Organisation Academies and Governance Adviser

Suzanne McDonald, Assistant Director School Organisation

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