Holy Week and Easter in Bath and Wells
3rd April 2023Church communities are coming together across Bath and Wells to celebrate Holy Week and Easter.
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Church communities are coming together across Bath and Wells to celebrate Holy Week and Easter.
3-D crosses, Easter gardens and church services. Schools throughout Bath and Wells celebrate Easter before breaking up for the school holidays.
Conference in Wells shares research carried out into the city's links with the slave trade and launches a self-guided trail to historic sites in Wells which have links to British slavery.
Diocesan Synod met at the Canalside Centre on Saturday, 18 March. Find out more about proceedings.
Celebrate, recognise and thank all those who have generously given their time, gifts and talents in their communities and churches.
Bath Abbey will be opening their new Discovery Centre, the final phase of the Footprint Project, on 7 March 2023. Located beneath the Abbey, the Discovery Centre is a unique heritage space that will allow visitors to peek behind the scenes of life at the Abbey and delve into the building’s history.
Join in with the special weekend of celebrations planned for the Coronation and find out more about the Church of England resources that available to help promote your events.
The Church of England’s General Synod has welcomed proposals which would enable same-sex couples to come to church after a civil marriage or civil partnership to give thanks, dedicate their relationship to God and receive God’s blessing.
St Margaret’s Church of England School, Tintinhull is one of just five schools appointed by the Royal Horticultural Society as a Champion School
'Sharing and growing our knowledge of faith with others'
Almost 200 join online to worship together at the start of the Everyday Faith event - Everyone Everywhere Growing in Faith
Following the retirement of John Davies as Dean of Wells on 6 January, Bishop Michael has appointed the Venerable Anne Gell, currently Archdeacon of Wells, as Acting Dean of Wells.
Draft prayers of thanksgiving, dedication and for God’s blessing for same-sex couples as they give thanks for their civil marriage or civil partnership.
Jenny Hollingsworth has today started in her new role as Diocesan Secretary for the Diocese of Bath and Wells.
Bishop Michael's sermon from the Eucharist at Wells Cathedral.
Bishop Michael, and his wife, Lizzie, welcomed Ukrainian and local host families to the Palace Chapel in Wells on Monday 19 December, to mark the Orthodox festival of St Nicholas.
Reflecting on the message sent by the angels to the shepherds
Everyone is invited to follow the star and join us at church services and other ways this Christmas. Why not invite a friend to come along to your church this year?
Church community gets busy creating knitted leaves and pom poms to make an 8 foot Christmas tree.
Find out more about the historic elements of the Service of Installation and Welcome.