
A conversation starter...

Raising funds for your church always stems from a relationship or connection between the church and the person who is willing to offer their support. The principle source for income for any church should come from members of the congregation who are intrinsically connected to it. But what about the wider community that the church is there to serve? Churches often feel awkward and embarrassed about asking for donations from those "outside" of their church but its important to realise that people who don't attend church for worship may still have a connection with the church - the may have been baptised or married in the church, they might come to the occasional service at Easter or Christmas, they might come along to social events offered by the church or they may just love the look of the building or the history contained within it. So there can be many things that create connections between your church and your wider community. 

Easyfundraising is an excellent tool to build on those connections and can help your church start conversations with your community and create a supporting relationship that generates income and awareness of the church's need for funds.

Donations raised by online shopping

How does easyfundraising work?

Easyfundraising helps to direct customers to online retailers and businesses and works by collecting donations from retailers in return when customers place an order.

Over 6000 online businesses are registered with many big names offering donations for orders placed when visitors arrive via easyfundraising. Retailers like Amazon, eBay, Just Eat, Trainline, John Lewis, Booking.com, Argos and Tesco.

Many people now shop online and, with easyfundraising, they can turn that shopping into funds for your church, at no cost to either the church or themselves!

On average, a supporter using easyfundraising will generate around £50 per year in donations for their cause so its a really valuable tool for your church to use. Some of our churches have raised over £1,000 each to date by using easyfundraising

How can my church get started?

  1. Register your church as a cause with easyfundraising. It takes about 5 minutes. Easyfundraising will then create a cause page for you on their website.
  2. Promote your cause page by sharing the link to as many of your contacts as possible (and ask them to share it with anyone they know too!). You can do this by email, a link on your church website or via social media.
  3. Promote your cause page by using a QR code alongside a story in your local newsletter or parish magazine to let your community know some of the things your church does for the community and let them know they can help you raise funds without them having to donate themselves.

There are helpful step-by-step guides below to get you started but if it's just too much or you need someone to do this for you please contact us and we will be pleased to help.

Who to contact

Email: givingteam@bathwells.anglican.org or contact Natalie Wainwright, Lead Giving and Funding Adviser


Step by step - how to register your church with easyfundraising

Step by step - settings (cause info and Gift Aid)

Quick set up guide

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