School Land, Buildings & Capital Funding

The Diocese owns the majority of the church schools across the Diocese, whether these are VA, VC or academies. 

For information about foundation documents or site trustees, to seek permission for changes, including adding solar panels, or to ask for support with a legal issue to do with your school, please contact Tina Wilkes.

VA Schools

At voluntary-aided schools, the governors have the responsibility for their buildings. Please see the presentation here for explicit details of the responsibility of VA governing bodies regarding their estate and compliance. The Diocese receives School Condition Allowance to cover capital projects in our VA schools. You can read about SCA here. SCA is allocated strategically and the criteria for allocation are available in our annually reapproved Schools Estate Asset Management Plan. We work closely with The Hookway Partnership, who undertake our condition surveys, project manage most projects and undertake the reporting of our projects to the DfE.

The diocese works with schools and its partner local authorities to maximise the benefit of capital funding streams. Most voluntary-aided schools bank their Devolved Formula Capital Grant (DFCG) with the diocese.

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