What is SIAMS

In accordance with Section 48 of the Education Act 2005, all Church of England schools are subject to the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) under the Framework provided by the Church of England Education Office.  

A new SIAMS Inspection Framework was introduced in September 2023, with several key changes:

  1. There is now an increased emphasis on a school's theologically rooted Christian vision.
  2. Inspections are conducted through six or seven Inspection Questions that explore the impact of this vision.
  3. The framework now pays more attention to how multi-academy trusts might support their schools.

Inspection-related documents and the new framework are available for download from the Church of England Education Office. There are also new optional templates for your ongoing self-evaluation and the summary self-evaluation.

The Education Office provides support through Schools Advisers, who help schools address development points and offer professional development training for school leaders. Our SIAMS training events will explore the new Framework in detail. The team are pleased to offer advice and training for schools and MATs. Please contact the Schools Advisers or Felicity Cobley for more information.

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