Vicar Benefice of St Andrew’s and St Peter’s Clevedon

We are eager to recruit a Vicar for St Andrew’s and St Peter’s, both located in the beautiful surroundings of Clevedon in North Somerset.  We are two churches and one benefice seeking to reach out to help the community and inspire others to come to Christian faith.

We are praying for our new Vicar to:

  • Be a confident leader, able and willing to delegate.
  • Be a good listener and a ‘people person’ with the ability to inspire, motivate and encourage the church families of both churches
  • Be a person of vision, spiritually led by the Gospel and a good teacher
  • Be a disciple-maker, helping people connect with God and grow into faithful followers of Jesus.
  • Be pastorally caring with a heart for all age groups
  • Be actively involved in the whole local community, including the schools and CTiC (Churches Together in Clevedon)
  • Be fully inclusive and a good communicator of unity across all spheres

We offer: 

  • Supportive teams of Churchwardens, Licensed Readers, Accredited Worship leaders, two Safeguarding Officers and dedicated helpers 
  • A modern 4-bedroom Vicarage home with a study and a large garden
  • An independent Benefice Office with two part time Parish Administrators
  • Two beautiful Church buildings plus a Church Centre and a Church Hall
  • Congregations wanting to grow and welcome others

We hope that in reading our Parish Profile you will feel encouraged to apply for this post and we look forward to working with you. You are assured of a loving welcome here in Clevedon.

For full details and an application pack please contact:
Denise Blake, PA to the Archdeacon of Bath: or call 01749 685278. An enhanced DBS disclosure is required for this post

Notable dates

Closing date for applications:  30 March
Visits and interviews:  6 and 7 May


St Andrew’s and St Peter’s Clevedon benefice profile


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