The Diocese of Bath and Wells is currently seeking candiates to fill a casual vacancy on the House of Clergy of General Synod, following the resignation of The Revd Sue Rose.
Two nominations for the post have been received and you can download their election addresses below.
A Zoom husting for candidates and electors is scheduled to be held at 19:00 on Thursday, 16 January.
Electors will receive a separate invitation to vote, by email, from Civica Election Services, who are running the ballot.
Full timeline of General Synod election
- 4 - 12 November - Register of Electors compiled and relevant extracts sent to Deanery Synod Secretaries for checking
- 19 November - submission of completed Registers to Presiding Officer and to Civica
- 26 November - notification to electors of the election timetable to be followed in the diocese and issue of invitations to nominate
- Notification of the validity of any nomination - as soon as any nomination is received
- 24 December (12 noon) - closing date for nominations
- Thurs, 2 January (12 noon) - submission of election address by candidates
- Issue of voting invitations - Thursday 9th January
- Thurs, 16 January - Zoom husting for electors and candidates
- Thurs, 30 January (12 noon) - closing date for return of votes
- Friday, 31 January (12 noon) - day of the count
- Names and addresses of those elected and result sheet to be sent to the diocesan bishop, the Clerk to the Synod and every candidate - not later than the fourth working day after the date of the declaration of the result.
Election address - the Revd Elizabeth Dudley
Election address - the Revd Timothy Lewis
Who to contact
Jenny Hollingsworth
Presiding Officer, Diocese of Bath and Wells
Tel: 01749 670777