Spiritual development

‘Spirituality is like a bird. If you hold it too closely, it chokes. And if you hold it too loosely, it escapes.’  Israel Salanter Lipkin.

The promotion of spiritual development is a requirement of all schools in England as part of their offering of a ‘broad and balanced’ curriculum. Church of England schools are recognising the need to work this out with integrity, recognising that, whilst having a Christian foundation, they are inclusive and diverse communities of children, staff and families.

The 2023 SIAMS inspection Framework asks, 'How is spiritual development an intrinsic part of the curriculum?'

This resonates with the Church of England’s Vision for Education (2016), at the heart of which is education for human flourishing and Jesus’ words in John’s Gospel: ‘I have come that you might have life, life in all its fullness.’ (John 10:10)

The materials on this page are offered to help school leaders and governors to have a clear and secure understanding of spiritual development, offering materials for staff CPD and activities to enrich the lives of all in our schools.

Who to contact

Pauline Dodds, Diocesan Schools Adviser (Wells Archdeaconry)

Karen Sancto, Diocesan Schools Adviser (Taunton Archdeaconry)

David Williams, Diocesan Schools Adviser (Bath Archdeaconry) 


Creech St Michael - Values for learning spirituality

C of E Spiritual Development 2019

Definitions of Spirituality (2017)

Gloucester Diocese - Recognising Spiritual Development in a Primary School Context (2018)

I wonder (bubbles)

Imaginor - spiritual capacities

Models of Spirituality

Norwich Diocese - Spiritual, moral and cultural development

Salisbury Diocese - Rickett Grids Progressions in Spirituality for Primary with Encounters

Talking and writing about spiritual ideas

Windows, Mirrors, Doors

Model Policy for Spirituality


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