Past Case Review work continues
3rd February 2021Nearly all of our parishes have responded to Bishop Peter's request last March to confirm that any safeguarding issues they were aware of had been reported to the safeguarding team.
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Nearly all of our parishes have responded to Bishop Peter's request last March to confirm that any safeguarding issues they were aware of had been reported to the safeguarding team.
Somerset day falls on 11 May 2021. It is a day when everyone who lives, works in or just loves Somerset is encouraged to celebrate all that's wonderful about the county.
Inspiring Hope is a simple social media idea the Go Team have for Lent 2021. The idea is to share messages of hope, written by young people, across social media platforms each weekday during Lent.
After a successful launch in October 2019, the LecDeck youth and children's ministry resource is kicking-off the new Lectionary year with the launch of Year B and the LecDeck App for Android and Apple iOS.