Collective worship video resources

Bishop Ruth starts our third series of collective worship videos for schools. The theme is Christian values and uses the new Bible Chat Mats to enhance understanding. View below or on our Collective Worship playlist on the Diocese of Bath and Wells YouTube channel. They will be uploaded to this page and to YouTube each week.

This is our third series of collective worship recordings for schools to use as class or whole school worship. This series came from a request from headteachers for a series on Christian values and a request to have people from different roles within the church leading the collective worship and also explaining their role within the church. We have combined these two requests. Our first collective worship is led by Bishop Ruth. The Christian values that will be shared are taken from the Bible Chat Mats, developed and designed through the diocese and available for purchase. They cover the Christian values of compassion, courage, creativity, forgiveness, friendship, generosity, hope, humility, justice, peace, perseverance, respect, responsibility, service, thankfulness, trust, truthfulness, wisdom and koinonia.

The second Collective Worship video in this series is led by Simon Hill, Archdeacon of Taunton

Revd Jane Haslam shares a Collective Worship on friendship

Revd Jonathan Philpot shares a Collective Worship video on generosity

Revd Ana Lawrence shares a Collective Worship video on forgiveness

You can find all the videos in this series, and previous series, on the Collective Worship playlist on the  Diocese of Bath and Wells YouTube page.
Our first series of short videos have a theme of the characteristics of Jesus and use the first series of Bible Chat Mats with a linked Bible story.
The second collective worship series are led by South West Youth Ministries (SWYM) and take you on a journey to Easter with eight collective worship sessions for you at home or school.
These video resources feature a story and a prayer, and if you wish, you can add your own liturgy and song to listen to. 

We hope that you find them useful for class, phase or whole school collective worship. The Chat Mats are available to download from the Go Team section of the website.

For secondary schools

We also have a number of collective worship videos for use in secondary schools, they can also be found on the Collective Worship playlist.

Who to contact

Karen Sancto, Diocesan Schools Adviser (Taunton Archdeaconry)

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