Seven new pupil chaplains at St John's School in Wellington
9th November 2021They promise to pray, learn about and share God's love, in the playground and all around the school.
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They promise to pray, learn about and share God's love, in the playground and all around the school.
We welcome Kate to her new post at the Bishops' Palace and say a fond farewell to Revd Canon Dr Graham Dodds as he retires.
"Joining together in embarking on the journey without fear but with our eyes fixed on Him who calls us."
Community are passionate about keeping the church open and at the heart of the village
The parishes came together to plan how they could do more to help protect the environment
The diocese Go Team have been working with Send a Cow and Movement on an Advent resource for young people that not only journeys through the account of the birth of Jesus found in Luke's gospel, but gives a global perspective too.
An interview with volunteer, Sian Owen, who runs the Hidden Voices, a Modern Slavery Support group in Bridgwater.
On Anti-Modern Slavery Day, churches across Somerset were lit in bright red as part of the Clewer Initiative's campaign to show their stand against modern slavery. Clewer is the national work of the Church of England to combat modern slavery. They support churches across the country to help tackle it where they are, especially with their Hidden Voices programme.
Bishop Alastair asks, "Our church faces many challenges about funding, organisation, credibility and appropriate approaches to mission. Where might modern slavery fit in?"
After the successful launch in October 2019, the LecDeck youth and children's ministry resource is kicking-off the 2021/22 lectionary year with the launch of Year C and the updated LecDeck App for Android and Apple iOS.
Coming together to help end the exploitation of people everywhere. Could you be an Ordinary Activist?
Future generations will never forgive us if we squander this precious opportunity.
Giving thanks for all those who have responded to God's call upon their lives
Licensing a new Reader and welcoming those new to the diocese
Area and Lay Deans from around the diocese met in person on Tuesday, 28 September, for the first time since the start of the pandemic. They all met at Ammerdown Retreat Centre for their annual conference, hosted by Bishop Ruth.
Ben Goodhind has been appointed as the new Safeguarding Manager for the diocese. He replaces Glenys Armstrong, who leaves the diocese next week after eight years, during which she has served both the diocese and the national safeguarding team.
Bishop Ruth joins teachers and pupils at the new King Ina CofE Academy in Somerton and shares a very special gift with them.
The whole school community worked together to create something very special which reflects the school's Christian values.
Celebrating the Ordination of Deacons at Wells Cathedral
Members of the College of Bishops have voted unanimously to endorse a statement by two Anglican Communion bodies which calls for an emergency meeting of the G7 to commit to vaccine equity. Bishop Ruth spoke about the issue on BBC Somerset on Sunday.