
Thinking of reaching out to young people, but not sure where to start?

23rd June 2021

This story from Timsbury may inspire you and your church ...

Bath community comes together to reflect on Windrush

21st June 2021

Bishop Ruth joined members Bath's Caribbean community at Christ Church Bath on Windrush Sunday

Zambia mourns the passing of Bishop John Osmers

18th June 2021

The Right Revd, John Osmers, former Bishop of Eastern Zambia has died in Lusaka.

Singing outside church as part of the first Front Garden Music Festival

17th June 2021

Revd Martin Little and his band join other Sedgemoor musicians in spreading a little lockdown cheer from their garden.

Diocese to say farewell to Chief Operating Officer

17th June 2021

Sharon Kindleysides, who joined as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and diocesan secretary in September 2020, is to leave the Diocese of Bath and Wells.

Process to appoint new bishop begins

14th June 2021

Following the retirement of Bishop Peter in May, the process to find his successor has begun. The diocese is now looking to the future, and taking the necessary steps needed to select the next Bishop of Bath and Wells.

Ordinations in Bath and Wells in 2021

11th June 2021

The ordination of priests and deacons to take place at Petertide and Michaelmas in Wells Cathedral

Manna interview: Time to step up

10th June 2021

Manna interview: Dr Peter Brotherton, is Lead Director for Climate Change at Natural England, the government's agency for the natural environment, and Environment Officer for Peterborough Diocese.

An outdoor service and churchyard exploration on Environment Sunday

10th June 2021

"The earth is the Lord's and everything in it." Psalm 24:1

Climate relay to COP26 to go through diocese

10th June 2021

Join the Young Christians Climate Network as they travel through Bath and Wells on their way from Cornwall to Glasgow to highlight the need to care for God's creation.

Changing lightbulbs to help schools reduce energy consumption

10th June 2021

Ten schools have a lighting system upgrade which will cut CO2 emissions and save money.

Chair of Safeguarding Panel steps down after seven years

10th June 2021

Ted Allen, the independent Chair of the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel has officially stepped down, chairing his last meeting of the diocesan Safeguarding Panel after seven years in the role.

New Chair for the Diocesan Board of Education as Tony Blackshaw steps down

8th June 2021

Tony Blackshaw, who has been Chair of the Diocesan Board of Education for the last three years, is stepping down today (8 June 2021). He will be replaced by Tracey Khodabandehloo, who recently retired from school leadership after 25 years as a head teacher in church schools.

Caring for creation - join us on the pathway to Net Zero this June

3rd June 2021

In June it is hoped that Covid restrictions will be lifted and most activities can return to normal. June is also the month in which we celebrate Environment Sunday (6 June) and when the G7 nations meet in Cornwall for their climate conference, so it is an appropriate time to consider how we can take steps to care for our planet.

Bath Abbey exhibition to tell story of colonialism and slave trade

26th May 2021

Bath Abbey is to hold an exhibition revealing its links to colonialism and the transatlantic slave trade through the history of its monuments and ledgerstones. The 'Monuments, Empire and Slavery' exhibition will run from 24 May to 4 September 2021, with a panel discussion on 25 June.

St Mary's, East Brent to receive £50,000 grant aid

25th May 2021

The community of St Mary's in East Brent are celebrating following confirmation they're to receive a grant of £50,000 from Viridor Credits through the Landfill Communities Fund, which means they can begin much needed roof repairs on the Grade 1 listed building.

Service of Thanksgiving for God's Faithfulness

25th May 2021

'A beautiful balance of witness, thanksgiving, sharing and prayer.' celebrating the completion of the set-up phase of the Pioneer Project.

People from across the diocese come together to say farewell to Bishop Peter

22nd May 2021

Bishop Peter's laid down his crozier in the service from Wells Cathedral.

Join us in our farewell to Bishop Peter

19th May 2021

Join us and watch Bishop Peter's farewell service followed by his farewell tea.

Bishop Peter dedicates chapel wall art in one of last official engagements

18th May 2021

Bishop Peter dedicated a textile artwork in the Bishop's Palace chapel in one of his last official engagements before he retires on Saturday.

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