Schools and parishes in partnership

Positive relationships between schools and parishes offer rich experiences to young people and their families. The historic partnership between the Church and schools is as vital now as it has ever been. Strong partnerships exist in many parishes, some long-established and some with new Church schools and with the growing number of academies. With the recent consideration of households within the relationship, we can see the emergence and development of the 'Growing Faith' agenda, which is breathing new life into these historic partnerships. 

What makes an effective church/school partnership?

Following the publication of the ‘Church School of the Future Review’ in 2017, a small group from the schools' team worked with two clergy members of the diocese’s School of Formation, (now Ministry for Mission), to carry out a small research project. Additional advice was given by a member of staff at the University of Bristol. The subsequent report makes fascinating reading. We are extremely grateful to the six headteachers and their ‘clergy partners’ for their time and willingness to be interviewed.

See the report and resources in downloads below.

Setting up an Ethos Committee?

We would like to encourage all schools and academies to consider setting up an Ethos Committee. This group of school leaders, governors and church members will support the school in living out its Christian foundation.

See our Ethos Committees in Diocesan Church Schools download for more information.


Prayer is a vital component of a church/school partnership. The Go Team have put together this useful document as part of their Spetember Pray for Schools campaign. Read more about what went on in September. 

Who to contact

Louise Jenkins:  Lead Education Adviser

Paul Marvin:  Education Adviser


Ethos Committee Guidance May 2021

Audit - Schools and Parishes

Practical ways for schools and parishes to serve each other

Church/School Report Summer 2017

Church/School - Key themes from the data

Church/School - Commentary on key themes

Church/School toolkit - Bible reading task

Church/School toolkit - Ideas for praying and worshipping together

Church/School toolkit - Reflection on leadership

Church/School toolkit - TED talks

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