Bishop of Bath and Wells shares his experience of the Coronation

At the Coronation of Their Majesties The King and The Queen, Bishop Michael together with the Rt Revd Paul Butler, Bishop of Durham, were Bishop Assistant’s to the King; a role carried out by the Bishop of Bath and Wells and the Bishop of Durham since the Coronation of Richard I.

The order of service for the Coronation Service reminded everyone that, “Throughout the changing centuries, the Coronation Service has held together hopes both for our immediate and our eternal destinies. It has been and still is an occasion for prayer.”

Bishop Michael has been speaking about his role in this historic event. He talks about his experience of the day and explained how alongside the long and very detailed rehearsals he also spent a lot of time in prayerful preparation.

“We had a lot of prayer around the preparations we prayed. We prayed for God to be with us in all that we were doing. On the day it was wonderful to really listen to elements such as the King’s Prayer and appreciate the spiritual significance of what was happening.”

He has shared with us his memories of the day and his joy and honour that as the Bishop of Bath and Wells he had the privilege of supporting of His Majesty King Charles and Her Majesty the Queen during the service of Coronation.


Read more about the announcement of the role

Read more about Bishop Michael

9th May 2023
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