Wells Cathedral Special Visitation Determination and Direction

Wells Cathedral Special Visitation Determination and Directions

The Rt Revd Michael Beasley, Bishop of Bath and Wells has published the Determination and Directions resulting from the Special Visitation to Wells Cathedral which took place between 24 and 27 September 2022.

The Visitation was undertaken by an independent three-person panel, led by Bishop Tim Stevens. It met with many members of the Cathedral community and wider stakeholders. The Visitation Report itself remains confidential to Bishop Michael and Bishop Ruth and it has informed the Bishops Determination and Directions to the Cathedral Chapter. 

A full copy of the Determination and Directions may be found here below.

A copy of the Cathedral Chapter’s response to the Determination and Directions is available on the Wells Cathedral website.

Bishop Michael praised the work already being undertaken at the Cathedral to identify and embed values and a vision for the Cathedral’s future and said, “Following the informal sharing of the key themes found by the visitation panel earlier this year, a great deal of work is taking place to take forward the visitation directions. Firm foundations are being built for the ongoing work of Wells Cathedral and I'm proud of the commitment to change and the progress being made. 

“We pray that God may guide and support all who contributed to the SCIE Safeguarding Audit and the subsequent Visitation. As the Cathedral Chapter moves forward to action the Determination and Directions may we all move forward together in faith, listening to views with open hearts and minds; whilst showing care, kindness, compassion and support for one another.”

Wells Cathedral Special Visitation Determination and Directions 

13th July 2023
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