Bringing light and hope to the whole village
8th December 2021Community comes together to decorate the churchyard for Advent.
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Community comes together to decorate the churchyard for Advent.
'What do you do when your toddler starts school and you can't make it to the church parent and toddler group?' That was the question that Watchet and Williton realised many parents were facing and the church has come up with an innovative solution.
For children with special needs, their family and carers
Celebrating the hope and joy that faith gives us
Ideas of friendship, strength, trust, courage, and diversity are included in the design
Sharing the Christmas story with a generation of children
Sharing the experience to encourage others to take the plunge
Thousands are raised by the church community to pay for the repair and restoration of the bells and bell tower
Using a lottery grant to tell the history of the church building and share the faith within.
Revd Ann Gibbs blesses rowing club's two boats before joining the crews for an evening row
"The earth is the Lord's and everything in it." Psalm 24:1
Since 1883, students at the Kings of Wessex Academy in Cheddar have been ascending the church tower at St. Andrew's church on ascension day, to look out over the magnificent views and mark their moving on from the school to pastures new. Unfortunately for the second year in a row, they have been unable to due to Covid. Despite this however the tradition continued this year in virtual form.
The Saturday Club children from St. Dubricius Church have done an amazing job planting 120 plants along the church railings.
Children in Wedmore enjoy interactive Easter journey in the church grounds.
How Revd Deborah Perreau teamed up with the food retailer COOK to deliver meals to people in need
"It's not been without its setbacks, but every time we've had a setback God's hand has been on it, he has been watching over us."
A series of art installations created almost entirely with resources that would have otherwise gone to landï¬ll is to be displayed in the churchyard of St John's church Glastonbury during Holy Week.
This Easter, the Wellington team of churches have been working together to share hope and joy with the community through the angels of joy project.
Margaret uses her grandson's telescopic fishing net to visit homes of regular church goers on the estate and collect their regular donations each month
Members of St Andrew's Church congregation, together with Rowbarton Methodist Church members, have formed a yarnbombing group and have been using time in lockdown to knit and crochet bright shapes to give the people of the area a smile and to let them know they are in their thoughts as they pass the church hall.